There are thousands of shoulder bags on the market, but many tend to be bulky, heavy, and uncomfortable. The X-over bag is the ultimate shoulder bag because it features a sleek design and various carrying options.
Since 1996, this bag has featured a timeless, functional design that has withstood the test of time. Our versatile shoulder bag provides you with the perfect amount of comfort, style, and functionality. The fashion X-over bag collection features over 40 different colors and three different sizes to fit your needs. X-over bags are the ultimate shoulder bag accessory for virtually everyone. The X-over bag will be the last shoulder bag you ever need. Order your new X-over bag today!

My biggest regret is that I didn’t buy them sooner.
Debbie Horn // Consultant
Well thought out into every detail. No wonder it’s a German design.
Carmen Rialto // Retail Specialist