If you’ve been searching for a crossbody bag that is comfortable, sleek, and functional, the X-over bag is sure to win you over. We have several colorful patterns and styles to choose from, and here are some of the reasons why you will want the X-over bag as your everyday crossbody bag:
The X-over bag is the best crossbody bag on the market because it comes with a various carrying system. Unlike other crossbody bags, you have the option to tighten a secondary strap to help distribute the weight of your bag evenly across your back. This versatile, innovative crossbody bag includes other features, such as a zip pocket for your valuables, a removable pouch and key holder, reflective logos, and more.
Since 1996, this bag has featured a timeless, functional design that has withstood the test of time. Our X-over bag is ideal for casual outings, vacations, shopping sprees, and sporting events. You will not regret getting one of these bags, so look at our X-over fashion line today!

I finally decided to buy one. Now I own 3 in different sizes and styles.
Peter Miller // Software Developer
No matter if I travel, go shopping or work out, one of them is always with me.
Megan Kuwalski // Mom